Zimbabwean born composer, Justine Cohen, has kindly shared a song she wrote for her son Jonah, to raise funds for Vanavevhu. The song is performed by Rowan Stuart a South African folk singer whose voice has been compared to John Mayer.
JC: "Dolce" was what came to my mind the first time I heard Rowan singing in Durban. Many musicians say it's a term that can best be described as the image of a small child, playing in innocence, completely unaware of the World that surrounds us. His voice has such a comforting sound and no-one could have been a bigger fan than my newborn son. I wrote the lullaby for my son Jonah when visiting Cape Town and Jonah was six months at the time. It was one of many compositions I wrote for him but was the most emotive because I knew he wouldn't be growing up in the place I love and call home. I was hugely honoured when Rowan agreed to record it.
Why I choose Vanavevhu?
JC: There is nothing that entitles my child to have what he has more than any other child in the World. I know that any money I raise for Vanavevhu is going to a cause that is as personal as giving to my own son. Zimbabwe gave me my childhood and I need to help give the children of Zimbabwe their childhood. I'm simply giving back what I was given in the first place.
Jonah's Lullaby is available to purchase on iTunes. Click here
We would like to thank Justine and Rowan for this personal and meaningful contribution to our work. They have shown that there are many ways to invest in the power of youth.
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